Why Can't We Learn to Get Along?

Why do humans believe they can force their beliefs onto others? Isn't it about time we learn to accept that people will hold ideas that differ from our own? Throughout history and into the present, people have tried to use violence and threats of violence to coerce others into their own ideas on religion. WE MUST END IT.
Most who will read this post live in countries where the government values religious freedom. In some areas of the world Christians, Muslims, Jews, Atheists, and people of various other beliefs attend school together, play together, and shop together. But even those countries are not immune to religious persecution. People continue to lash out violently against others just because they have a different religion than their own.
Use of threats and violence is NEVER the answer. No matter what religion, acts that harm will only drive people away and make the group of believers look bad to those on the outside. We must take a stand against such tactics. They don't work. Change has to come from the heart.
People can force others to wear certain clothes or say specific prayers in order to avoid punishment, but it won't make the victim a true believer if their heart isn't in the right place. Also, torture often backfires. When people suffer extreme cruelty rather than repent of their religion, it sends a powerful message that the victim's beliefs have a solid foundation. Why else would they be willing to die for them? In effect, the perpetrators of violence help to spread the ideologies of their victims instead of their own.
To inspire true change, we must use actions of love, compassion, and kindness that draw people in instead of pushing them away. Christ is a good example. He said His followers should be like salt and light. Salt adds flavor and makes people desire more of something. Light doesn't cause harm but shines the way for the lost. Too often people who claim to be Christians have also forgotten what this means, as they too cast debilitating judgments on others or resort to violence in an attempt to make their point.
Can't we all learn to be the salt and light of our religions and let go of violence?
How do we make a difference?
Most who will read this post live in countries where the government values religious freedom. In some areas of the world Christians, Muslims, Jews, Atheists, and people of various other beliefs attend school together, play together, and shop together. But even those countries are not immune to religious persecution. People continue to lash out violently against others just because they have a different religion than their own.
Use of threats and violence is NEVER the answer. No matter what religion, acts that harm will only drive people away and make the group of believers look bad to those on the outside. We must take a stand against such tactics. They don't work. Change has to come from the heart.
People can force others to wear certain clothes or say specific prayers in order to avoid punishment, but it won't make the victim a true believer if their heart isn't in the right place. Also, torture often backfires. When people suffer extreme cruelty rather than repent of their religion, it sends a powerful message that the victim's beliefs have a solid foundation. Why else would they be willing to die for them? In effect, the perpetrators of violence help to spread the ideologies of their victims instead of their own.
To inspire true change, we must use actions of love, compassion, and kindness that draw people in instead of pushing them away. Christ is a good example. He said His followers should be like salt and light. Salt adds flavor and makes people desire more of something. Light doesn't cause harm but shines the way for the lost. Too often people who claim to be Christians have also forgotten what this means, as they too cast debilitating judgments on others or resort to violence in an attempt to make their point.
Can't we all learn to be the salt and light of our religions and let go of violence?
How do we make a difference?
- We can pray for those who persecute others and seek out organizations that support the victims.
- We can take a stand whenever we witness an injustice done in the name of religion.
- You can also evaluate yourself. Maybe you would never physically hurt someone, but we must also learn not to pass judgment on those who believe differently. Our responsibility is to show love and leave the rest to God, for only He can judge the heart. (If you're reading this and don't believe in God, you can still assess your attitude towards believers. Does it reflect the person you want to be?)
© Copyright 2014 E. J. Willis