God is the author of our lives. He created us, and He loves us. I believe it hurts Him when we suffer, but He sees the big picture – the entire story. He knows what’s best. Does this mean I think He causes suffering? No, far from it. Evil exists. Pain exists. We live in a fallen world with fallen people. We make mistakes and poor decisions then blame God for the consequences, but He waits for us with open arms because He loves us no matter what.
Sometimes others hurt us or circumstances threaten to crush us. I don’t know why God seems to intervene in some situations and not others, and I don’t have all the answers. What I do know is that like fictional characters, we too must face hardships to learn and grow. It’s only by looking back that we can see how God worked through the tough situations to make our lives – our story – more beautiful and meaningful.
In the fictional world, characters pass away. Their part of the story has come to an end. The same is true in life. We lose people we love, and death will take its toll on our hearts. For whatever reason, their role on earth has drawn to a close, but death is not the end. God has an answer for it. He wants us all to come to Him. He longs to give us salvation and eternal life, and He freely offers it to those who believe in His Son. Furthermore, while we grieve, God works to bind our broken hearts in ways we never thought possible. The wounds and scars will remain, but they serve to make us stronger and more compassionate.
Our world is hurting. Wars, natural disasters, and diseases all take their toll. Humanity suffers. Yet God is there working in the midst of it all. He understands the entire story while we only get a small glimpse. He created each one of us to fit within that story, and He loves us. Even if we choose to rebel against what God wants for our lives, He continues to call to us. Our individual scenes aren’t finished yet.